Primer: Powering Your Own Personal Jarvis

Innovations in Personalized Learning and Health: Introducing the Primer Platform

A breakthrough platform is redefining self-improvement and education through its unique personalization capabilities. Dubbed ‘Primer’, this innovative tool is reshaping how individuals engage with learning and monitor their health and productivity goals.

Imagine a system that not only tracks your calorie intake and workouts but also facilitates your learning on virtually any subject. From mathematics to meditation, Primer offers a multiplicity of ways to absorb information including stories, activities, and quizzes, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Perhaps the most impressive feature of Primer is its memory. Mention that you’ve recently joined the ranks of parenthood, and Primer acknowledges this new chapter by offering tips and insights relevant to a first-time father. Speak of your entrepreneurial ventures, and it seamlessly weaves that context into your learning journey. It’s personalization taken to a whole new level.

Moreover, Primer comes with a built-in to-do list feature, enhancing productivity and time management. As users input their daily tasks and objectives, not only does the system assist in tracking progress, but it also levers this data to further customize the user experience.

“We wanted to make self-improvement rewarding and intuitive,” says Mark Naufel, the visionary founder of Primer, based in the heart of Tempe, AZ. “With Primer, personal growth is more than just a checklist; it’s an engaging experience that grows with you.

In its latest user-friendly twist, Primer has unveiled a gamified element to its platform. Users can now level up their Primer profile by actively engaging with its features, completing daily self-reflection prompts, creativity exercises, and skill-building modules.

A Bit On The Founder/CEO

Mark Naufel boasts an impressive academic and professional background. An ASU alum with a Bachelor’s in Finance and Masters in both Business Analytics and Systems Engineering + PhD in Human Systems Engineering. Mark’s leadership shone when he was the Student Body President at ASU and he carried those skills over to his role as the Student Regent on the Arizona Board of Regents. His professional experience spans strategic and data roles in both local firms and Silicon Valley. Currently he leads The Luminosity Lab at ASU, working with a team of top-tier students on technical products for global customers and partners (when he’s not running Primer, of course.)

Jarvis For All? You Tell Us.

Imagine the magic when Primer syncs up with your wearables – no more manual tracking of calories or exercise, as everything gets recorded automatically. And just think, chatting with Primer will be as simple and intuitive as asking Alexa about the weather. A radiant future is unfolding, and we’re thrilled about the possibilities.

Could this local innovation be the one to give giants like ChatGPT a dash of healthy competition? With its mix of personalized cognitive development, health, and productivity features, Primer is certainly poised to make an indelible mark in the landscape of AI-assisted learning and living.

As more residents of Phoenix and beyond embrace the Primer way of life, the platform is setting the stage for a new era of tailored, tech-powered personal development—an era where technology remembers, understands, and grows alongside its human counterpart.

Get set for an exclusive experience with Primer – your gateway to a world of personalized learning and self-improvement. As the team fine-tunes this revolutionary platform, access is currently by invitation only. To join the journey and be one of the first to unlock your potential with Primer, sign up for the waitlist at Your adventure in growth awaits!