Why Read The Phoenix Signal?

Our pitch for your attention and your (free) email subscription

Arizona’s startup scene has been slept on for decades. Some think it’s a flyover state. Others say that there is no innovation in the desert. And many think its best tech days are behind us. Respectfully, I disagree. This newsletter is designed to be a telescope in Arizona for the rest of the world who is wondering what is going on here, written from the POV of an AZ native startup founder who just wants this place to be great.

Why is Phoenix considered the leading city in the world for autonomous vehicles? How are companies like Mixpanel, AirGarage, Culdesac, Carvana, Godaddy, Paradox, Tuft & Needle, & Antimetal all getting started here? Why are companies like TSMC, Opendoor, Robinhood, Sendoso, Intel, & Moov all moving and setting up shop here? What is cooking at the largest research university in the United States, Arizona State University? And how are we doing all of this despite a massive shortfall in VC funding and exited billion dollar companies?

This newsletter is an exploration to answer these questions. We will write about up-and-coming startups that haven’t gotten headlines yet. We will cover the programs that produce the most high-potential individuals. We will track when Waymo/Uber/AV employees leave to start their own companies. And we will write investigative journalism pieces to give you a critical lens into the highs and lows of the state’s startup scene. We are not backed by any government or press outlet, so you can expect us to speak our mind. We are undoubtedly a pro-Arizona publication, but sometimes what the doctor ordered is some tough love, and we aren’t afraid to give it.

The plan is to keep this newsletter free and monetize it through relevant ads. Everyone should know what is happening in the desert, and we’re going to make sure they do. Please consider subscribing if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the Arizona market.